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05 May, 2016

How to: 10 a day

In the UK, the average daily intake of vegetables and fruit is four portions. New research suggests the more we eat, the greater the benefit, and that we should be aiming for ten, not five, servings each day. Sound daunting? It shouldn’t.


Forgive us for stating the obvious but all vegetables are good for you. Each one contains vitamins and minerals as well as a variety of antioxidants that help to protect us from disease. So it makes sense that vegetables form the biggest part of a healthy diet, and have a part to play in all meals and most snacks. This needn’t be a hardship: you can weave vegetables into your diet in the most delicious ways. Celebrate and enjoy them in all their diversity.

In the UK, the average daily intake of vegetables and fruit is four portions. New research suggests the more we eat, the greater the benefit, and that we should be aiming for ten, not five, servings each day. Sound daunting? It shouldn’t. Have a portion at breakfast (usually fruit), a couple of vegetables for lunch and two or three portions for dinner. Then throw in a few more portions for snacks and a juice for an additional boost. Hey presto!

Try to eat vegetables in the most colourful way possible. Greens are very nutritious but including a variety of colours will ensure you glean a complete range of key nutrients to support your good health. There are some vegetables that feature particularly high on our superstar list: kale, broccoli, squash, beetroot, avocado, garlic, edamame beans, cabbage and tomatoes.

Still don’t believe us? Here’s what a day looks like, sounds pretty delicious doesn’t it?

Breakfast: Muesli with banana and blueberries

Juice: Cucumber, pear, kale, wheatgrass & mint juice

Lunch: Avocado and cucumber salad

Snack: Carrot/Cucumber/Celery/Radish dipped in hummus or nut butter

Dinner: Salmon burger with broccoli and kale

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